Competitive Ulthwe Ideas

When I picked up my Eldar army, I chose the Ulthwe theme mainly because of the paint scheme.  Although my lists are not strictly Ulthwe, I enjoy building lists that are based on an Ulthwe theme.  Our local gaming shop hosts a 1000 pt. tournament every Saturday night, and this is what I came up with.

Total- 998
Farseer- 100
   -Fortune, Runes of Warding

Avatar- 155

Fire Dragons- 80

Wave Serpent- 100
   -Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon

Guardians- 133
   -Eldar Missile Launcher, Warlock with Singing Spear and Embolden

Guardians- 100
   -Eldar Missile Launcher

Heavy Support
Fire Prism- 150

War Walker Squadron(3 walkers)- 180
   -6 Scatter Lasers

This list focuses on fitting in a fortuned Avatar in a smaller point setting, and accommodates that by bringing cheap troops, and point-efficient support.  The Farseer walks with the cheaper guardian squad as a body-guard unit, and fortunes the Avatar.  They push the Avatar as far forward as they can to get him into assault.  The Avatar serves as a fire magnet, preserving the rest of the army, or as a rock-hard assault unit if he can get that far. The other guardian squad deploys in a secluded spot or on an objective and helps in taking out armor/dropping blast templates.  The Fire Prism has a dual role of anti-armor early in the game, and then dropping blast templates in later turns.  The squadron serves as cheap fire support that, if ignored, will wreak havoc on infantry units.  The cheap fire dragons in the wave serpent blitz up and take out armor or MC's.

Fitting a fortuned Avatar, a Fire Prism, and a full War Walker Squadron into a point limit this small will give the enemy a difficult time deciding what to focus their fire on.  It's difficult to go wrong with the Avatar, outside of really bad rolling and special units that can easily remove him.  If the army focuses fire on him, that's a few turns the rest of your army is not being shot.  If they ignore him, they get slapped by one of the most threatening CC models in the game.  The foot units are helped by the Avatar's fearless bubble.  This list has a lot of heavy weapons, including 2 EML's, the Fire Prism, 24 S6 shots from the Walkers, and 6 melta shots between the fire dragons and the Avatar.

Guardians are guardians, meaning that they are fragile, and only have a chance in CC against armies like Tau.  This however is helped by the Avatar bodyguard.  However, having such expensive units mean that if they aren't effective in that game, it ends up being a ton of wasted points.

What are your ideas?
