Cram and Spam, The Beauty of the Shuriken Cannon

One interesting idea I've come across in regards to army lists is fitting as much as possible into a list while still maintaining functionality.  Yesterday, I came across a used Vyper, and picked up a new one to accompany it.  I tried working them into my 1000 pt. tournament list, and read up on some options for weapon load-out.  I now realize that I've overlooked the effectiveness of a Shuriken Cannon for its point value.
 A Vyper can take a Scatter Laser (4 shots), or a Shuriken Cannon and then upgrade the the catapult to a cannon for the same point cost (6 shots).  The trade-out is gaining AP 5, while losing 12 inches of range.  That range is not as important on units like the Vyper, because they have the speed to get there.  Longer ranged weapons like the Scatter Laser might be better reserved for potentially slower units such as the War Walker (unless the outflank strategy is used with them, which although relevant is enough for a whole different post in itself).  The Eldar are famous for their ability to put out ridiculous amounts of Strength 6 shots, and this is apparent in Scatter Lasers and Shuriken Cannons.  I decided to alter my previous list, and flip around some units to add more firepower and more units to the table.

Farseer- 100
   -Fortune, Runes of Warding
Avatar- 155

Fire Dragons- 80
Wave Serpent- 110
   -Twin-Linked Shuriken Cannon
   -Shuriken Cannon

Guardians- 100
   -Eldar Missile Launcher
Guardians- 100
   -Eldar Missile Launcher

Fast Attack
Vyper- 60
   -Shuriken Cannon, Shuriken Cannon
Vyper- 60
   -Shuriken Cannon, Shuriken Cannon

Heavy Support
Fire Prism- 115
War Walker- 60
   -Scatter Lasers
War Walker- 60
   -Scatter Lasers

This redesigned list now ups the amount of S6 shots per turn from 27 to a formidable 34, while only losing a warlock, a war walker, and an upgrade on the Fire Prism.  In turn, I gain two Vypers, an underslung cannon on my Wave Serpent, and those extra 7 shots.  I've decided against squadrons for the units for now because it adds that many more units that need to have enemy units dedicate fire on, and they will be more difficult to destroy because of the removed "squadron" rule of being destroyed on immobilized.  A disadvantage is that this presents more potential easy Kill Points, so I'll have to test this theory in some games.

Obscene amount of Strength 6 shots for this small of a point setting, has added mobility, the S6 shots double for light/medium armor as well as infantry, and the list contains enough higher threat models to make my enemy's firing priority difficult.

A good amount of my S6 shots need to be within 24 inches to come into play.  If my opponent can destroy those weapons before I get there, those are lost shots.  This list lacks hard CC, but as this list is designed as a very mobile shooty force, I don't see this as a big problem.  That's just not what this list was designed for.

What is your opinion on squadrons and Shuriken Cannons vs Scatter Lasers?  Is the spam worth the loss in range?  What is your ideal load-out on Vypers and what is your opinion on them in the first place?
