The Necrons Rise Again!

After a busy semester followed by a very relaxing break, I managed to get a game in with my friend Brian. This was my very first game against the new Necrons, so I was a bit worried.  The game did not go nearly as well as one would hope, but that's expected with a first time try against a new army.  Overall, I like the new codex, and I feel that it will make for some interesting and fun games.  On a side note, I got a new phone so the picture quality should be much better!

Game Type: Annhilation
Deployment Type: Spearhead
First Deployment/Turn: Necrons

His army list consisted of an Overlord, 2 Lords, 1 Cryptek, 5 Lychguard with shields, 2 Destroyers and one Heavy Destroyer, 6 Scarabs, 2 10-man units of Warriors with one in the Ghost Arc, 10 Immortals with Tesla, an Annihilation Barge, and a Monolith.

My list was valiantly lead by my preferred model for Eldrad, and was as follows:
Total: 1996
Avatar- 155

Eldrad Ulthran- 210

Seer Council- 222
   -6 Warlocks, 4 singing spears, 4 destructors, enhance, embolden

Fire Dragons- 80
Wave Serpent-100
   -TL Shuriken Cannon

Dire Avengers- 162
   -Powerweapon/SS, Bladestorm

Pathfinders x5- 120

Guardians- 100

Fast Attack
Warp Spiders- 127
   -Dual Deathspinners

Heavy Support
Dark Reapers- 217
   -Crack shot

Eldrad standing triumphantly with his warlock entourage.

The game was set up in spearhead deployment, with the Eldar taking a defensive deployment position to weather the Necron first turn.  

The Avatar and Seer Council are hiding, seemingly naked and very vulnerable without Fortune up.

End of Turn 1.  The pathfinders infiltrate to the ruins to the top right.  Necron forces rush down the center while the transport flanks around the side, and his Lychguard teleport via the Cryptek to the pathfinders to give them a beatdown.  He killed two pathfinders and caused them to flee, but they were caught by the Avatar's 12" fearless bubble.  The pathfinders repositioned in the bottom right ruins, while the guardians push up the right side.  The Eldar counter the necron vehicle movement by moving flat out with the Wave Serpent full of Fire Dragons along the back.  The Seer Council and Avatar push out into the center to meet the Scarabs and Immortals.  The Dark Reapers did quite a number on the Lychguard, but their reanimation protocol saved the day.  The bladestorming Dire Avengers managed to kill 1 scarab base, their effectiveness being reduced by the cover provided by the wall.

An unlucky scatter by the teleporting Cryptek and Lychguard caused them to land on the Guardians, and then be devoured by the warp.  That was the most the Guardians did all game!

The scarabs attacked the Wave Serpent with reduced effectiveness because of the fast movement in the previous turn, but they still managed to reduce its' armor to 8 with their Entropic Touch.

During the Eldar turn 2, the Wave Serpent quickly flew away from the Scarabs.  The Scarabs took fire from the Warp Spiders, and were later assaulted by both, with little result.

The Monolith deep struck onto the field directly next to the Seer Council.  The Council pulled away from the Avatar to assault the new threat, while the Avatar charged headlong into the Immortals.

The Fire Dragons were dropped by the Wave Serpent, and proceeded to shoot the tar out of the Necron Transport.  The exposion killed many of the Necron Warriors inside, as well as 3 Fire Dragons.  The dark reapers made short work of the clumped Warriors, and he was left with 4 after Reanimation Protocols.  

During the next Necron turn, the tide began to turn in his favor.  Eldrad and another Warlock were sucked into the Monolith's portal, killing them instantly and causing the rest of the council to flee.  

The two remaining Fire Dragons were quickly slaughtered, and the weakened tank was shot down by the Destroyers.  

The Avatar was finished off by his Necron Lord.  Sad day.  The dark reapers were also "reaped" by the Necrons and wiped off the table.

The Warlock witnesses the teleporting Necrons as he flees off the battlefield.

The guardians took too many casualties and fled, the Pathfinders were wiped from the table, the final remaining Warlock was fleeing, BUT... I did manage to kill the scarabs!

 The game was conceded by the Eldar player shortly after that turn.  This is the "Hill of the Defeated Dead".

Overall, it was a fun game.  There were a lot of interesting rolls on both sides that really changed the tide of the game.  I find Necrons to be a fairly even and fun match up.  There's a lot of thoughts that I have on what to do differently next time to not repeat this game.  Good game.

Ending thought: "I hate Scarabs."
