Painting Eldraddy the El-Daddy

Eldrad has long been one of my favorite models, and I've been looking forward to painting this model since I saw it.  The raised edges makes it really easy to make this model look really good, and makes the rune armor really pop out to the eye.
I forgot to take some pictures throughout the whole progression, sorry!

 Started with a black coat and then did the white rune armor.  Undercoated the areas that will be shining gold with bestial brown, and then did some of the grey detail work on his belt and such.

 This is the model as it is now.  It still needs a little work on things like the highlighting on the hands and cleaning up some stray lines.  Got him to this stage by painting the blue areas with ultramarines blue and highlighting it with sky blue, highlighting the edges of the armor/helmet/robes with codex grey, and painted the shining gold on top of the brown.  I realize that the grey highlighting should be done with smaller lines, but I kind of like the brighter and more pronounced look.  It kind of counteracts the fact that he's such a dark color-based model.  Not completely finished, but my favorite paint job I've done so far for sure!  Plans for the future are highlighting the hands, finishing the sword with some kind of a power weapon scheme (I'll need to practice this first for sure), maybe washing the cape a little bit to give it even more depth, and detail work on parts like the gems.
