Painting the Midget Pyromaniac Brigade

A while back, my friend who was moving out of using his Eldar gave me some of his older Fire Dragon models.  I love using them, and I would like to buy another squad soon to either run two 5 man units or a 10 man unit.  However, like many of the other old models, these fire dragons are much shorter and more compact than the other modern models.  It's endearing, but I can't wait to paint the newer fire dragon models.

 This is the paint scheme of the squad when I got them.  I stripped all but one of them a while back using brake fluid, and I left this one unique to act as an exarch if I needed one.

 I base coated the model with chaos black, and then did a coat of blazing orange for the armor.  I am not too much of a fan of the default paint scheme that games workshop has come up with for the fire dragons, so I'm looking to add more depth to the model rather than the pure orange and yellow scheme.

 I then washed the whole model with some watered down black and then painted back over the raised armor plates with the blazing orange.  Leaving the now-darkened orange in the recesses, the pants, and other areas that look non-plated gives the model some depth.  I then did the eyes with sky blue, painted the helmet with skull white a couple coats while leaving the black areas around the eyes and the bumps on the helmet.

 To finish up, I highlighted the model using sunburst yellow on the edges of the armor plates, detailed the gun by highlighting with codex grey and painting the tip with boltgun, painted the cloth tied around the leg and the feet buckles with skull white, dry-brushed any of the tubing areas with boltgun over the black, and then decided that the helmet looked incomplete.  I love the ice blue against black paint scheme, so I painted the crevices of his mask with the ice blue and filled in the surrounding area with the black.  I realize that the highlighting with the yellow is not believable as being a natural lighting effect, so I went with the theme that this was going to be part of the armor's paint scheme.  This is partially because I like the depth and eye appeal that the various colors add against the darkened under-areas, and partially because I didn't want to buy another color of paint.  Overall, I like the way he turned out.  Just need to finish the base and paint the rest of the squad now!
