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Well... actually it's been here for a few weeks now, but the new Eldar 6th Edition codex is out!  I've played a few games with the new rules and I am excited to be getting back into the game after a long break.  So far I have only played around 3 games in 6th Edition total, so learning the new codex rules on top of the new overall rules has proved a challenge, but it has been a blast these past couple weeks.  After getting a taste of the new codex in battle two Saturdays ago and hearing about Meta Games' upcoming 2250 point tournament this coming weekend, I have been in an absolute Warhammer 40k frenzy.  I have been painting up my army like a madman in hopes that I will be fielding a fully painted army for the first time (sad I know...).  Be looking for many posts to come of my painting progress, tactical thoughts, and other 40k related material!
