January: The month of "Slow Grow"

As I mentioned briefly in my last post, our local gaming club is doing a league for the month of January called Slow Grow.  I'll post the specifics below, but the concept in a nutshell is to play each Saturday with small point size armies and increase the size limit each week.  Ultimately, we will play a 1000 point tournament some time in February.  This allows people to get back to the basics of the game, start new armies potentially, and have motivation to paint their armies in small chunks with the goal of painting an entire 1000 point army by the tournament.  Here are the specifics for the League:

Slow Grow:

Every Saturday in January, I want us to get together and start from the basics of 40k. We will use the following guidelines to help us:
1/4/14: 350 points in troops (5 points in upgrades max per model) 
1/11/14: 450 points in troops and dedicated transports (no fliers - 15 points in upgrades/wargear per model).
1/18/14: 600 points in 1HQ and troops and dedicated transports. Your Hq cannot be unique and is limited to 40 points of wargear/upgrades)
1/25/14: 800 points in 1HQ, troops and dedicated transports, with optional 1 elite, fast, heavy and Fortification (Bastion or Aegis line only) No upgrade restrictions.
2/8/14: 1000 point 4 round Tournament. No build restrictions.

This will be a raffle style league with a 10$ buyin. Every ticket you earn will be put in a tub on 2/8/14 for a drawing at the end of the day. Tickets will be earned by the following:
You start a new army.
You introduce a new player into the league.
Play 2 games at each level of game play vs a different opponent.
Your army is painted (3 color minimum) and based. (Every level)
You do not switch armies mid league. (Including Space Marine Chapters)
Bonus tickets can be achieved by scenario every Saturday!
During the last event, you will earn 1 ticket per game played, one ticket per game won, one ticket if fully painted per the standard above.

I've been making and remaking lists for each week of the league, which I'll post in a separate post.  I'm excited to have the motivation to paint manageable chunks of the ultimate list each week, and will post progress as I go!
