1000 Point Scenario Day - Bonus Game

(Transferred from another blog.  Originally published 6/18/16)

Today was a scenario day at one of our local game shops.  After all scenario battles for the day had been played, I was able to play an extra game with a gentleman who was wanting to test out his Chaos Imperial Knight alongside his Decurion Necron army.  So although the game was technically unbound to allow him to run his list, I brought the same list that I had used for the other scenario battles because I was eager to test it out against Necrons.  I haven't played against Necrons since 5th edition, and have never played against an Imperial Knight, so I had a feeling I was in for a rude awakening.

Scenario:  Contact Lost (Maelstrom of War)
Table and Deployment:  Arid Imperial Battery Emplacement with Dawn of War deployment.
Warlord Traits:  Dark Angels rolled Strategic Genius on the Strategic Traits chart, giving +1 to seize the initiative rolls and allowing re-rolls on reserves rolls.  The Necrons rolled a trait on their chart that gave units within 12" of the warlord crusader and relentless.

Necrons/Imperial Knight Turn 1:
The Immortals moved and ran to get on top of the mesa with objective 5.  The tomb blades moved over to control objective 6.  The Imperial Knight shot the rhino with his rapid-fire battle cannon, dealing a penetrating hit that immobilized the rhino.  The warriors on the right side dealt two glancing blows to the rhino, but they were saved by cover.

Dark Angels Turn 1:
The land raider moved over toward the tomb blades, shooting but failing to do any damage.  The drop pod and dreadnought came in and tried to shoot down the detached Overlord, but failed to do any lasting damage because of reanimation protocols.  The lascannon in the immobilized rhino tried to shoot at the Imperial Knight but did nothing.

Necrons/Imperial Knight Turn 2:
Both squads of warriors moved down the table.  The Imperial Knight moved up to control objective 4.  The tomb blades moved back away from the land raider, trying to avoid its shooting range.  The tomb blades and immortals combined firepower on the land raider, but did no damage.  The Imperial Knight's rapid-fire battlecannon wrecked the rhino, dumping out the tactical squad into the ruins.  The warrior squads combined firepower to destroy the dreadnought.   He scored a victory point for controlling objective 4.

Dark Angels Turn 2:
The land raider moved toward the tomb blades and unloaded the 10 tactical marines inside, who both shot at the tomb blades, killing 1 and causing them to break morale to fall back 10" toward their table edge.  The deathwing command squad deepstruck in, using the drop pod's locator beacon to not scatter.  They scored a whopping 14 hits with the cyclone missile launcher's blasts on the warrior squad, but even that combined with the rest of the squad's shooting failed to do any lasting damage to the warriors because of the Decurion reanimation protocols.  The small tactical squad by the rhino shot at the warlord, but failed to do any damage.

Necrons/Imperial Knight Turn 3:
Both necron warrior squads shot at the command squad, killing all 3 thunderhammer/stormshield models and dealing a wound to the interrogator-chaplain with sheer volume of dice.  The overlord charged the drop pod and killed it in the assault.  The Imperial Knight shot his rapid-fire battlecannon at the rhino's tactical squad to kill two models.

Dark Angels Turn 3:
The deathwing command squad scored another whopping 14 hits with the cyclone missile launcher, but again failed to kill any models because of saves and reanimation protocols.  In the charge, the command squad killed 4 but they remain locked because he rolled a 6 for the morale check.  The land raider moved up and killed two immortals with the flamestorm cannon and one tomb blade with the assault cannon and multi-melta.  The small tactical squad by the rhino tried to shoot the Imperial Knight with their lascannon, but again failed to do any damage.

Necrons/Imperial Knight Turn 4:
The Imperial Knight moved into point-blank range of the rhino's tactical squad, killing all remaining marines with his battlecannon, but also removing a hull point from himself with the scatter!  The overlord joined the ongoing assault with the command squad, and accepted the challenge issued by the Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain.  This gave me a victory point for having a card that had me issue a challenge.  We failed to hurt each other in the challenge between the overlord and the chaplain.  The power fists of the apothecary and the cyclone missile launcher terminator killed one warrior, but they remained locked.

Dark Angels Turn 4:
The land raider unloaded the tactical squad and moved up to try to target only 2 models with the flamestorm cannon, leaving one model for the tactical squad to charge in order to contest and then control objective 5 on the mesa, but failed to do any damage to the immortals because of reanimation protocols.  I also realized that the tactical squad was out of line of sight, so would be unable to charge, so they ran up to stand on the mesa and contest objective 5.  The land raider had also pivoted so he was able to try to shoot the remaining tomb blade, but reanimation protocols saved the day again.  The chaplain and overlord failed to wound each other again.  The warriors wounded the remaining terminators once, but it was saved, and then lost three warriors to power fists.  The warriors rolled a 6 on their morale check, so they again stay locked in close combat.

Necrons/Imperial Knight Turn 5:
The warriors in the center moved up to control objective 4.  The tomb blade turbo-boosted to control objective 6.  The immortals shot at the tactical marines and killed the meltagun model.  The Imperial Knight moved over to join the assault, killing the cyclone missile launcher with his attacks.  No damage was dealt in the challenge again, and the apothecary also failed to score any kills.  The combat goes on.

Dark Angels Turn 5:
The tactical marines on the mesa charged the immortals, but failed to do any wounds and lost a marine.  Necrons win the boxing match!  The sergeant failed his leadership with a roll of 9 because he is not a veteran sergeant, and fell back 8".  The land raider was ineffective with his shooting.  In the close combat brawl, the chaplain did no damage to the overlord, but was slain by the overlord!  The apothecary killed one warrior, and was dealt two wounds by the Imperial Knight, but saved both with his 5+ invulnerable saves with a double 6 roll!  The game ended because we did not have time to continue.

Game Results.
2-11 Necrons.

Dark Angels scored 2 points for line breaker, and 1 successful tactical objective.  The Necrons scored 11 points for various tactical objective cards and slay the warlord.  I believe what cost me the game was the ongoing assault with the warriors and the command squad.  They were able to tie up the command squad long enough for the warlord to join, and eventually the Imperial Knight, creating a close combat brawl that lasted 3 turns!  The Imperial Knight was very strong, but I can understand the tactics of playing as/against it from my experience bringing my Wraithknight.  The thing that I'm going to have to watch out for in the future is the Decurion detachment; 4+ reanimation protocols with rerolls of 1 is nasty!  Well played Necrons.
