2018: Year of the Imperium

It has been a great couple hobby years for me, even if I have been terrible about producing content.  I have been playing weekly with a friend, focusing mainly on playing Eldar and Tyranids.  My Dark Angels were severely lacking models to make them successful on the tabletop, and my Imperial Guard are currently in an even worse state.  Recently, I've got the Imperium itch, and have made a lot of purchases to flesh out my Dark Angels, including a Dark Imperium box lot, Imperial Knight, Deathwing Knights, and some other models to fill out squads.  Later in the year, when I am satisfied with my Dark Angels collection, I may invest in getting some more tanks and such to bring my Imperial Guard up to par.  I've been very busy assembling and painting since the beginning of February, and I'm planning to use Dark Angels for a big 2000 point tournament coming up in my area.  Expect to see painting progress posts and strategy posts as I playtest the list and bring it to tabletop completion!
